Interview Question and Answers with Carolyne on Being an Obama Foundation Collaborator

Interviewer: Congratulations on being selected as an Obama Foundation collaborator! How did you feel when you first received the news?

Carolyne: Thank you! When I first received the news, I was absolutely thrilled and honored. It felt surreal to be recognized by such a prestigious organization for the work I am passionate about. I felt a great sense of pride and excitement for the opportunities that lay ahead.

Interviewer: What do you think made your work with Apps and Girls stand out to the Obama Foundation?

Carolyne: I believe what made Apps and Girls stand out is our commitment to empowering young women through technology and coding education. Our innovative approach, which combines practical skills training with mentorship and real-world projects, has had a significant impact on the lives of many girls. The Foundation likely saw the potential for this model to inspire broader social change and align with their mission to foster leadership and community engagement.

Interviewer: Can you share a bit about your experience working alongside Barack and Michelle Obama and other collaborators?

Carolyne: Working alongside Barack and Michelle Obama, as well as other collaborators, has been incredibly inspiring and enriching. The experience has provided me with valuable insights and a broader perspective on global issues. The Obamas’ dedication to service and their genuine interest in our work have been motivating. Collaborating with other changemakers has also allowed me to exchange ideas and learn from their diverse experiences, which has been instrumental in expanding the impact of my initiatives. You know the program had prominent people like Dangote from Nigeria, Prince Harry from UK , Common the musician , Lin-Manuel Miranda and many more. it was of a collaboration and discussion thing  in a friendly environment. I learned allot from these people. And it was inspiring. 

Interviewer: How has your role as an Obama Foundation collaborator influenced your work with Apps and Girls?

Carolyne: Being an Obama Foundation collaborator has significantly amplified the impact of my work with Apps and Girls. It has opened up new opportunities for partnerships, funding, and visibility. The support and recognition from the Foundation have also given me the confidence to scale our programs and reach more girls. Additionally, the leadership training and resources provided by the Foundation have enhanced my skills and strategic thinking, allowing me to lead more effectively.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to other young leaders who aspire to make a difference in their communities?

Carolyne: My advice to young leaders is to stay passionate and committed to their cause. It's important to be innovative and open to learning from others. Seek out mentors and networks that can support your growth and amplify your impact. Most importantly, believe in the power of your work and the difference you can make. Every small step counts, and collective efforts can lead to significant change..

Chapisha Maoni

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